Latest decisions: Period proof underwear, billboard on transplant abuse in China, and more

New Decisions

The following decisions have been released to the ASA website:

Period underwear complaint not upheld

The Complaints Board has not upheld a complaint about a TVNZ OnDemand advertisement for AWWA period underwear.

The TV ad showed images of blood-stained underwear and bedding, as well as a used sanitary pad. Eight complaints were received about the ad, with concerns the advert was graphic and offensive.

In its defence of the ad, the advertiser said it was “an honest portrayal… including scenes with depicted menstrual blood in all familiar scenarios that have previously been shamed upon”.

The Board said social issues such as period shame and period poverty were now more openly discussed, and the advertisement aimed to normalise a woman’s experience of menstruation.

The Board said the ad was targeted to adult females and had been prepared and placed in a socially responsible way. It also said the ad did not meet the threshold to cause serious or widespread offense.

The complaint was not upheld.

Billboard for International Coalition to End Transplant Abuse in China upheld 

The Complaints Board has upheld a complaint about a billboard advertisement for the International Coalition to End Transplant Abuse in China.

The billboard had a photo of two masked people in an operating theatre and the text: “They take your freedom – They take your organs – Then they take your life.”.

The complainant had concerns the ad was misleading as people could think the practice was taking place in New Zealand.

While the Board agreed the billboard was an advocacy advertisement, it agreed the advertisement was misleading and did cause fear or distress without justification. This was because it was not clear from the advertisement that the Advertiser was concerned the practice of organ harvesting was occurring overseas, in China.

The Board upheld the complaint.